Fish Report for 8-25-2007

Plenty of Alberts

Bill Roecker
Brian Evans skippered the Spirit of Adventure on a three-day albacore trip that returned to H&M Landing August 24.

Terry Draper of Westminster won first place for a 39.7-pound albie. He said he got it with a sardine on a 3/0 Super Mutu hook, with 30-pound P-Line on a Penn 975 reel and a seven-foot Ugly Stick.

Arnold Diaz of Santa Monica won the second spot for a 38.8-pound longfin. It took a sardine on a 1/0 ringed Super Mutu hook and 40-pound line. He used a Penn 4/0 reel and a six-foot Penn rod. Ed Furu of Huntington Beach was third, for a 35.3-pound albacore.