Late trip report

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Late report from open 3 day trip: yesterday the SOA returned from a very fun 3 day trip. Night fishing... more »

Evan Kraft

Excellent fishing

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Returning this morning from our outstanding open 3 day with bluefin limits up to 150lbs and 30 yellowfin. We had... more »

Evan Kraft

Yellowtail fishing along the coast

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The guys have been busy the last couple of days rounding out their catch with some yellowtail fishing along the... more »

Evan Kraft

THIS is fun fishing

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The Tuna Chasers group got their share of the incredible, full-speed, all-you-want yellowfin fishing going on right now down south.... more »

Evan Kraft

Late update

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We topped off our fish holds with bluefin on the Goodman 8 day, success! ...The guys made it back down... more »

Evan Kraft

Bigger yellows and good weather

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 We spent the last two days working up the Baja coast looking for bigger yellowtail, good weather and bigger bait.... more »

Evan Kraft
  • - 2.5 days of bluefin fishing - We came in yesterday morning from our 2.5 day with a nice load of bluefin. We were lucky to have several... more »
  • - Fun 1.75 day trip - We returned this morning from a very fun 1.75 day trip. We caught bluefin, dorado and yellowfin tuna but the... more »
  • - Open 3 day trip - We just returned from our open 3 day trip with a bunch of nice bluefin. We were challenged with windy... more »
  • - Mark Gotto 10 day BFT finisher - Today we finished off our Mark Gotto 10 day trip with bluefin fishing. We experienced typical bluefin behavior in the... more »
  • - Inshore->offshore - We started our day catching a few yellowtail in the morning and then spent the rest of the day offshore... more »
  • - Fun ridge fishing - Nice day of fishing today on the ridge. We caught wahoo, yellowfin tuna, yellowtail, dorado and bluefin tuna! There wasn't... more »
  • - Ridge mixed bag - Today we had some nice action on a mixed bag of fish. The wahoo were biting the flyline baits along with... more »
  • - Yellowtail starter kit - The guys had a nice day today starting our trip off with some fun yellowtail fishing along the coast or... more »
  • - Alan Tani wrap up - We experienced excellent yellowtail fishing yesterday along the coast and today, on the way home, we topped off with some... more »
  • - 8 day return - The Spirit returned this morning from the Tuna Chasers 8 day trip with a load of happy anglers. Very fun... more »

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