MG 8 day returns

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The MG 8 day trip returned to dock this morning from an outstanding fishing trip. We caught yellowtail, yellowfin tuna,... more »

Evan Kraft

Fishing down south is on fire

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Checking in from down south, we've had nothing short of excellent fishing. We've got lots of time left and plenty... more »

Evan Kraft

First day fishing

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First day fishing on the Baja coast supplied us with a good starter kit on yellowfin, yellowtail and dorado. We're... more »

Evan Kraft

Great 1.5 day action

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We made the run west on our 1.5 day charter and we have great action on this bluefin today. We... more »

Evan Kraft

SATO/AVET 3 day return

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Stan Sato/AVET 3 day trip returned this morning with a full load of bluefin and smiles. We experienced the full... more »

Evan Kraft

Fantastic fishing down south

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The Spirit checked in on the Hooker's 8 day trip with fantastic summer fishing down south. They first checked out... more »

Evan Kraft
  • - Good grade of fish - The bluefin fishing seemed to be on the uptick yesterday as we had alot more bites than the following two... more »
  • - Back in the game! - We're super excited to start our fishing season off with our Danny Scanlon 1.5 day charter that just came back... more »
  • - THE SPIRIT IS HERE - Hey everyone, the Spirit Of Adventure has finished running baja nature trips for the season and is back at the dock... more »
  • - Returning tomorrow morning from our last trip of the season - We're returning tomorrow morning from our last trip of the season, Big Jim's annual 11 day. We had a nice... more »
  • - Exotics Down South - The guys are now headed home on the @avetreelsinc 11 day trip after catching some more exotics down south and... more »
  • - Avet 11 Day Charter - Spirit of Adventure Sportfishing is currently out on it’s annual Avet 11 day charter.  After stopping at Alijos Rocks the boat headed... more »
  • - Decent wahoo fishing at Alijos Rocks - The guys checked in with decent wahoo fishing at Alijos Rocks and they already have their limits of 20-40lb yellowfin.... more »
  • - Annual Jim Hart/Grady White 10 Day Charter - The Spirit of Adventure based out of H & M Landing in San Diego, CA checked in with us today: We... more »
  • - MG 10 day charter - The Spirit of Adventure based out of H & M Landing in San Diego, CA checked in with us today: Returning... more »
  • - Annual Joe Citarella 8 day charter - The Spirit of Adventure based out of H & M Landing in San Diego, CA checked in with us today: We... more »

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