Dimaio 4 day charter

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Dimaio 4 day charter was a success with limits of bluefin. This group also fished hard through choppy sea conditions... more »

Evan Kraft

Successful wrap up

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We are wrapping up our MG 3 day trip with a relaxing steak dinner in the Lee of San Clemente... more »

Evan Kraft

Alan Tani 3 day

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The Alan Tani 3 day trip is complete. Despite a windy forecast, we took the guys out west to have... more »

Evan Kraft

Phil Hernandez 3 day

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We arrived this morning from our Phil Hernandez  3 day charter with 32 bluefin up to 169 lbs and a... more »

Evan Kraft

2 day report

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Our 2 day trip returned today with 85 bluefin up to 106lbs. The best fishing was had in the dark... more »

Evan Kraft

1.5 day

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Our last open 1.5 day trip of the season returned this morning with our limits of bluefin up to 140... more »

Evan Kraft
  • - Jackpot Winners - The Spirit of Adventure based out of H & M Landing in San Diego, CA checked in with us today: 1st,... more »
  • - First Trip of The Season - The Spirit of Adventure based out of H & M Landing in San Diego, CA checked in with us today: The... more »
  • - Spirit of Adventure returns fom their Bruce Davis sponsored trip with Bluefin & Yellowtail - Annemarie Keating, office manager for the Spirit of Adventure, sent this information October 5: "Bruce Davis' second group of this season... more »
  • - Chris Dunn talks about his trip aboard the Spirit of Adventure to Cedros - Chris Dunn, Phoenix television weatherman, aka The Flying Weatherman, The Fishing Weatherman and The Voice for Bill Roecker's Standup Fishing... more »
  • - American Angler returns with holds were filled with Bluefin, Yellowfin & Yellowtail - "The Spirit of Adventure returned this morning (September 8) after a fantastic six-day trip," wrote Annemarie Keating from the boat's... more »
  • - Spirit of Adventure returns from a great trip with 220 Yellowtail, 160 Bluefin & 160 Yellowfin - "The Spirit of Adventure returned from a 5-day trip on September 2," wrote Annemarie Keating, office manager for the boat.... more »
  • - Spirit of Adventure's Winners, September 1, 2013 - Reporting from the boat's office, Annemarie Keating wrote, "The Spirit of Adventure returned with a nice catch of Bluefin. The... more »
  • - Spirit of Adventure returns from their "Big Ten" 5 Day trip - Annemarie Keating offered information about the Spirit of Adventure's latest trip, which arrived at H&M Landing August 7. "The Big... more »
  • - The Spirit of Adventure returns from the Citarella Group trip. Counts include 96 Bluefin & Yellowfin - "Brian Evans docked the Spirit Of Adventure this morning," reported Annemarie Keating August 2, "with Joe Citarella's group on board.... more »
  • - Spirit of Adventure has a great day fishing: 330 Yellowfin,69 Bluefin, & 60 Yellowtail - Annemarie Keating of the Spirit of Adventure offered this report: "Scott Buchanan and his group of 22 anglers returned on... more »

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