Night time was the right time once again

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Night time was the right time once again for the Alan Tani 3 day charter. We had 1 school that... more »

Evan Kraft

McMillan 2.5 Day Wrap Up

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McMillan 2.5 day returned this morning with their limits of bft up to 140lbs. The guys toughed it out and... more »

Evan Kraft

3 Day MG Charter

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We fished a few different areas during our 3 day MG charter for day and night time fishing. The daytime... more »

Evan Kraft

Steve Ozawa 3 Day

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On our first night of the Steve Ozawa 3 day we had very fun fishing on 100-150lb fish throughout the... more »

Evan Kraft

Returned This Morning With A Nice Bag of Bluefin

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Our 2 day open trip returned this morning with a nice bag of bluefin tuna. We opted to head west... more »

Evan Kraft

Big Vic's 2.5 Day Trip

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We had a good time on big Vic's 2.5 day trip. We had pretty good opportunities night AND day on... more »

Evan Kraft
  • - Late trip report - Late report from open 3 day trip: yesterday the SOA returned from a very fun 3 day trip. Night fishing... more »
  • - Excellent fishing - Returning this morning from our outstanding open 3 day with bluefin limits up to 150lbs and 30 yellowfin. We had... more »
  • - Yellowtail fishing along the coast - The guys have been busy the last couple of days rounding out their catch with some yellowtail fishing along the... more »
  • - THIS is fun fishing - The Tuna Chasers group got their share of the incredible, full-speed, all-you-want yellowfin fishing going on right now down south.... more »
  • - Late update - We topped off our fish holds with bluefin on the Goodman 8 day, success! ...The guys made it back down... more »
  • - Bigger yellows and good weather -  We spent the last two days working up the Baja coast looking for bigger yellowtail, good weather and bigger bait.... more »
  • - Incredible fishing on the ridge today - Incredible fishing on the ridge today. All you wanted 25-35# yellowfin on any kind of bait or lure you threw... more »
  • - Action packed first day fishing - Checking in from down south, we started hooking yellowtail when we dropped the anchor at 3:00am this morning on the coast and... more »
  • - CJ Hamren group 2 day - We returned with CJ Hamren's group 2 day trip this morning. The first day out we had tried a few... more »
  • - Not always "as good as it gets" - Fishing isn't always "as good as it gets". We spent alot of time, energy, and fuel to try and get... more »

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